Sunday, November 6, 2011


     On our blog today we will take you visually to "Bruges the Magnificent....Where Time Stopped". 

      Perhaps one of the most famous and beloved places in Belgium is the old city of Bruges, located about an hour's drive from Bruxelles and is one of the most heavily visited tourist sites in Belgium.  It is referred to as a  "Pompei" or a "Brigadoon", and  is a beautiful medieval village whose facade has been preserved since it began back in the 1300's.  Today, it appears unaltered from its former splender. To me it almost seems like the Venice of  Belgium.

   For a little of its history....Bruges in medieval times, was the greatest trading center in northern Europe, a multinational marketplace for importing and exporting of textiles, spices, herrings and wine, plus every variety of goods.  Traders flocked to this city renowned for its glitter and importance. Times change and in the 1500's Belgium was engulfed in religious wars and persecutions. Cathloic nuns, priests, monks and friars all fled to Bruges for safety, building many churches and accomodations which survive to this day. The economy of Europe changed during the the 17th and 18th centuries bypassing Bruges, however, in the 19th century wise souls forbade tampering with the facades of Bruges. A revival of tourism followed and Bruges became a do-not-miss destination which it has remained to this day!

    The purpose for our visit was to not only see this city arrested in time, but to also visit the "College of Europe" where David attended attend a two day conference on the "Challenges Facing the 21st Century Diplomat" in late October. These international meetings bring together diplomats and scholars from around the world and are a wonderful venue for making significant contacts. On this occasion he met Professor Peter Balazs, former Hungarian foreign minister, who now teaches at the Central European University in Budapest; Gerhard Sabathil, director of the new EU External Action Service (their foreign service equivalent), Professor Alan Henrickson, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, USA; Gregor Worchnagg, former ambassador of Austria and now director of the Austrian Employer Association; and Dr. Thomas Zeltner, professor of public health at Harvard and former minster of health and welfare in Switzerland.  

                                    Fascinating architecture and roof lines, and not a bad looking diplomat!

This scene was taken just a few doors down from the College of Europe where David attended his meetings.  On a return trip we look forward to a boat ride amidst the swimming swans,  and also a carriage
ride...who wants to join us? 


                        The old city of Bruge is charming, but not as charming as my companion says David!

                       Just happened to catch this shot as these cyclists stopped to regroup. Bicycles are        everywhere in Belgium and the preferred mode of transportation for many.

On the Belgium coast looking out on the North Sea

                                  To all our future visitors we promise a visit to "Bruges the Magnificent"!


  1. Let's add Bruges to the list for our December travels!

  2. Fantastic!! It looks amazing! :)

  3. Count me IN!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to come - need to start planning our trip!!!!!

  4. The weather in Virginia has been very different. We had no Spring, went from Summer to Fall in one day and now have some warm then cold then warm again. It's hard to believe the Thanksgiving is only weeks away. I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. We went to Harrisonburg,VA and the Shenandoah National Forest just as the leaves were about to pike.

  5. Hi! sister & Brother Peterson, I am a friend of your son John, he shared your blog with his friends, and let me tell you, in case you are wondering if any one is reading your blog, the answering is yes! we love to hear from JP's wonderful parents. I served in Temple Square and know people from Brussels. I also served with Sister Bogár Ágnes, and Gabriella Mari Kocsis, do you know Friends Julienna Viegas-Haws, she lives in Zürich, Switzerland, but she is from Brussels, Belgium. Any how it is fun to follow your blog.

  6. Hi Sis, We loved Bruge also. We were able to go there twice. Rod & Cathy went one of those times. The boat ride was nice, but not nearly like the boat rides in Amsterdam. We love you. Keep up the good work. Love, Kent & Kae Servoss
