The subject for this adventure is "Planes, Trains and Automobiles", and we will begin with the Trains. In our past trips to Germany, we have always driven our car to Frankfurt or Dusseldorf, when we have had meetings with the General Counsel or Area Presidency. However, on this particular occasion we decided to take the train because we needed to get back for meetings here in Bruxelles the next day.
In order to get to Frankfurt at the appointed time, we got up very early to be ready to take a cab to the train station by 5:45 a.m. for a 7:00 a.m. departure. It is very convenient for us each time we need a cab, because instead of calling for one, we simply walk around the corner to this very nice hotel, that always has several cabs parked in front at any time of the day!
What we thought would be a smooth nonstop ride through Belgium and Germany, turned out to be a ride full of detours! Before we even got on the train, we were told that our train had been cancelled...for whatever reason! There were about ten of us that were in the same boat, and so we ended up following each other around, each speaking different languages, trying to figure out which train and track were being substituted, etc. If we were going to miss the connection....we would all miss it together! It was actually a little amusing. After an hour's delay, we were finally on our way, but this time it would not be the nonstop passage that we had booked, because after an hour, we were required to change to another train to Liege, which took us to Koln. From there we would go to Frankfurt! Good thing that we were travelling without luggage!
On this third train, the seats were scarce, and so I ended up sitting next to this woman, who was born in Russia, whom I visited with for the several hours ride to Frankfurt. Of course she asked who we were and asked why we were living in Europe. I never hesitate to talk about the church, and she was quite interested. She was travelling to Frankfurt to look for a nursing job. After all the confusion of our travel, we finally arrived at the Frankfurt train station, bid my seatmate farewell, and hailed a cab for the ride to the Area Presidency Office for our meeting.
The photo below is of a Bountiful High School friend from many many years ago!! His name is David Davies, and he was in the class just below me. I literally have not seen David since I graduated! (I won't tell you how many years that has been....but you can pretty well figure it out). David is serving as Executive Secretary to the Area President. You can image my shock and surprise, as just before our meeting with the Area Presidency started, as David left the room, he quietly asked me if by any chance my name was Darelyn Servoss! "Yes" I said!! But who are you?????? He had to leave quickly as they were calling the meeting to order, so I had to wait for his answer. I could hardly wait for the meeting to end so I could find out just how this brother knew my maiden name!
Having grown up in Bountiful, Utah, and not leaving until I went to college at BYU, you become pretty attached to people when you start kindergarten together, and then years later graduate from high school with the same friends. When that monumental event happens, you think that nothing will change, but for the most part, you will never see most of those kids again. David told me that he would walk by my house with his friend Les Wassom on the way home from school. And that when they would pass my home they would say..."Oh....... this is where Darelyn lives".... (with a sigh added). How funny is that! I had no idea that he ever noticed me.
Well, the meeting was great and after a group luncheon at an Indian Restaurant, we hopped into a cab for the train station to return home. While waiting on the platform you will never believe who walked by, waiting for her seatmate on the previous train that morning!!! What are the chances!!! She told us that she was offered the job and would be moving to Frankfurt. This gave us the opportunity to visit some more.....and we told her that when she moved to Frankfurt, to be sure and find the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where she would be embraced by many new friends. She was very interested in this suggestion, and hopefully she will remember us and follow up. Upon bidding us farewell, she said that she thought it was the "Hand of God that brought us together the second time". I truly believe that there are no coincidences, and that everything happens for a purpose, and that the Lord will guide us.... if we will let Him.
Frankfurt Train Station, which brought back mission memories for David,
having served there as a young man as the European Mission Secretary
to Elder Alvin R. Dyer
of the Seventy at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel Brussels
This was a great visit with one of the presiding brethren who was on a series of European stops in Milan, Rome, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris and Madrid. Their son is a student at the Louvan University near Brussels, which made a nice reunion for them with Gabriel, his wife and infant daughter. Darelyn was waiting for us in the Marriott lobby when we arived from the airport. She had previewed their lodgings with the staff prior to our arrival, and the Marriott staff simply could not do enough for her!!! When I arrived with the Gonzalez family, two assistant managers were waiting for us in the lobby with Darelyn.
Elder Gonzalez expressed the desire to see our apartment, and wanted to meet our staff! Huh? What staff? We explained that it was just the two of us in this new calling, and that we would LOVE to have interns to help. We also told him that our apartment was in the midst of rennovation, but he said he didn't care and wanted to come anyway. Actually, our apartment is becoming a very charming abode as Darelyn's marvelous plans and designs are coming to fruition right now. Elder Gonzales thought that the expansive view from our window of downtown Bruxelles was spectacular! And, he approved of our plans to mirror the entire side wall from floor to ceiling. He was interested in our work and very encouraging, especially with the outreach we are making to Ambassadors and other high-level officials in the European Union.
The Euro crisis was on his mind and he asked for my prognostication of the outcome. I told him it is likely that the EU will experience major changes in its decision-making processes regarding monetary and fiscal policy in member states (at least in the Euro zone), a greater concentration of political power in Bruxelles, and an increase in the democratic deficit, which has already alienated citizens in many countries. However, the future of the EU is filled with uncertainty and the leadership in Europe needs our prayers that wise decisions may be made for the good of the people.
On this particular Fall day, the Physical Facilities manager for the Church over France and Belgium, took us to a shop that provides hardward flooring. After parking the car we walked through this beautiful courtyard and entered the shop. When we finished selecting what we liked, we walked back into the courtyard, and it was so charming that I insisted that we stop for a photo opt. I do not have my new floor yet, but hopefully OGC (Office of General Counsel) will approve this expenditure in the 2012 budget!
Many EU officials we meet are very friendly, competent, and well informed about America. Several have become good friends. Jochen is from Germany and studied at the University of Heidelberg. His speciality is European competition law and he will soon move to Stuttgart, marry his sweetheart, and begin the pratice of his chosen profession. We have a standing invitation to visit him in Heidelberg where he wants to show us his alma mater which goes back to the 16th century. He will bring his fiance to Bruxelles for an engagement dinner with us in the new year. It has been fun to converse in German with him!
And now finally we get to the Planes! We were thrilled to learn that the Office of General Counsel at Church headquarters, will be flying us, along with the couples from Geneva, Los Angeles and New York City, to Salt Lake City for a conference on February 13th! Yippie....we get to see our family, and hopefully hold our newest grandson, Charles Peterson Randle, who is still in intensive care following a two month early arrival!
We send our love and warmest greetings to you all!
Au revoir for now
The Petersons